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Many people have difficulty expressing their feelings. Telling someone that they make you happy is not always easy. Sometimes, you may feel like you have to wait for the right time and place to tell another person how you feel. And when you express yourself, you want it to be unforgettable. Using cute, creative ways to share your feelings is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Make a Card
Often expressing yourself by writing down your feelings is easier than telling someone how you feel in person. Making a card for the other person is a creative way to go about doing this -- and the other person is likely to appreciate your extra effort. Purchase cardstock paper -- and look for decorative trinkets, such as ribbons, stickers or buttons, to enhance the appearance of the card. You can write "Thank you" on the front of the card, and "for making me happy" on the inside of the card. If desired, you can elaborate on your feelings.
Make a Happy Meal
Cooking a meal for a friend or loved one is a gesture that speaks for itself. Get creative and make that person's favorite foods to express your feelings. While you're both feasting on the meal, you can tell the other person that she makes you happy. If you're not a good cook, ordering take-out may also work; after all, it's the thought that counts.
Spell It Out
Expressing feelings and communication are essential to keep a relationship strong and healthy. With everyday demands, you may forget to tell your partner how you feel about him. Spelling it out in a cute way can convey your feelings. Rearrange the refrigerator magnets to spell out "You make me happy," or leave your partner a lipstick message on the bathroom mirror. These little reminders are sure to get the message across and put a smile on your partner's face.
Write a Poem
Writing down your feelings and reading them to your loved one will keep you from stumbling over your words. Sit down with pen and a piece of paper and create a poem dedicated to this person. Even if your poem doesn't flow, as long as you're true to your feelings, it's sure to get the attention of the other person. Read the poem out loud when the right time presents itself.
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Writer Bio
Kimberly Caines is a well traveled model, writer and licensed physical fitness trainer who was first published in 1997. Her work has appeared in the Dutch newspaper "De Overschiese Krant" and on various websites. Caines holds a degree in journalism from Mercurius College in Holland and is writing her first novel.
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Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images