Corn Starch and Baking Soda to Prevent Hair Regrowth

Wheat flour

Wheat flour image by lefebvre_jonathan from

Baking soda and cornstarch, common ingredients in homemade dry shampoos, deodorize the scalp and hair and absorb sebum oil. Baking soda and cornstarch can also remove excess oil and moisture from the skin, drying and tightening. This is a beneficial effect when preparing skin for waxing unwanted hair. Baking soda and cornstarch do not prevent hair regrowth on their own, but instead, either one aids in the waxing process, which can lead to reduced hair growth over time.

Finding the Right Product

Purchase cornstarch from the grocery store. It's usually located in the baking aisle near the flour. Cornstarch is a fine white powder made from corn, and is thinner than flour. It is used as a thickener in cooking and baking. Baking soda, also a white powder of similar texture, can be found in the baking section or with the cleaning products, as it is also a household deodorizer.

Applying Cornstarch or Baking Soda

Dust one of the powders over the area to be waxed with a powder puff, cosmetics brush or hands. The fine powder reveals vellus (lightest) hairs that are difficult to spot to ensure even hair removal throughout. More importantly, the powder absorbs skin's moisture and oil so wax adheres better to hairs. The powder can also be sprinkled on the waxed area immediately after hair removal, to help soothe pain and absorb any blood that may come from the hair's roots. Leave the powder on for several minutes; then wipe it off with a clean towel.

These powders are a natural alternative to talcs that may contain perfumes, which are irritating to sensitive, newly-waxed skin. You may also opt to use a homemade wax recipe of lemon juice and sugar for less expensive and natural hair removal. The procedure can be found on

Effect on Hair Regrowth

Because hair is removed completely from the hair shaft, waxing is an efficient way to stunt unwanted hair growth. It may take two to three weeks for hair to start growing again. Although studies have yet to prove the long-term effects of consistent waxing, the repeated act of pulling hair out by its roots damages hair follicles. This may result in permanent reduction of unwanted hair, according to