How to Cook Barramundi in the Oven

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Barramundi is a gourmet fish prized for its sweet, buttery flavor and firm, moist texture. The Aborigines -- who named the native Australian fish barramundi, which means “river fish with large scales” -- would wrap the fish in wild ginger leaves and bake it in hot ashes. Native only to northern Australian waters and parts of Southeast Asia, the barramundi is now sustainably farmed in other parts of the world including Thailand, the Philippines and the U.S., and is increasingly available to consumers worldwide. Barramundi can be found fresh or frozen in fillets at specialty markets. Bake barramundi in the oven for a moist, savory and modern take on a traditional preparation.


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lay a bed of aluminum foil on a baking tray. Place barramundi fillets on foil.

Step 2

Drizzle barramundi fillets with a small amount of olive oil, then cover with desired seasonings. Try a simple preparation by coating in minced garlic and lemon to accentuate the flavor of the fish, or add bold flavors like toasted fennel seeds and orange zest to complement the mild flavor of the barramundi. Herbs such as thyme, basil and oregano also pair well with barramundi, so feel free to experiment with this versatile fish.

Step 3

Fold the foil around the fillets and bake in oven for approximately 20 minutes. Wrapping the fillets helps to seal in moisture while cooking.

Step 4

Remove fillets from foil and serve with desired sides. Serve baked barramundi with simple sides like silky mashed potatoes, fresh baby spinach or delightful Marsala-glazed mushrooms.