How Many Calories Are in Slim Fast Powder?

Slim Fast powder is a product that when mixed with skim milk becomes a meal replacement. Slim Fast powder is available in several flavors including Creamy Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, Strawberry Supreme, as well as high protein formulas.

Calorie Count

A one-third cup scoop of Slim Fast shake mix combined with 8 ounces of skim milk is considered a serving, according to the manufacturer's website. This single serving shake contains 200 calories with 83 of them coming from the cup of skim milk. Between 30 and 40 calories from the prepared shake come from fat, depending on the flavor.


Slim Fast powder several many vitamins and minerals, including 100 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin E and 50 percent of the RDI for calcium, vitamin B-12 and biotin.


Though a Slim Fast shake is considered a low-calorie meal plan, they also contain a considerable amount of sugar, ranging from 18 to 24 grams per shake.