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Havarti is a semisoft cow's milk cheese that offers nutritional benefits but should be consumed in moderation due to a high fat content. This cheese works equally well served as-is, grilled or used in recipes. You can also pair it with fruit or wine for dessert.
High in Calories and Saturated Fat
Depending on brand, a 1-ounce serving of Havarti contains from 70 to 80 calories for plain Havarti, and up to 140 calories when cream is added to make creamy Havarti. Havarti's total fat content is usually around 6 grams per serving, with saturated fat making up more than half of the fat content. Creamy Havarti has a higher fat total at approximately 12 grams, with more than half consisting of saturated fat.
Nutritional Benefits
Havarti is an excellent source of protein, contributing approximately 15 percent or more of recommended dietary allowance of this nutrient per serving for people on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. Similarly, this cheese also contains at least 15 percent of the RDA of calcium and is also an adequate source of vitamin A. To enjoy the benefits of Havarti without also reaping negative consequences, remember to eat it in moderation and possibly decrease your saturated fat and sodium intake from other foods for that day.
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Writer Bio
Ellen Topness has been a counselor in the mental health field for more than 25 years. She has a Master of Arts in counseling. Throughout her career, Topness has enjoyed writing articles, poems and vignettes for pleasure. She also released a new ebook, "A Natural Disaster: Learning to Survive Myself."
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BWFolsom/iStock/Getty Images