A healthy human body usually keeps large alkaline reserves to balance the body's acid levels. Acidosis, an overabundance of acid, can occur with a modern diet composed of acid-forming foods such as organ meats, chicken, eggs, rice, cereals, most nuts and many processed foods. Adding more alkaline foods to our daily diet can prevent diseases caused by acidosis, such as cardiovascular damage, arthritis and diabetes. Alkaline-forming foods include most vegetables, fruits and a few nuts.
Of all nuts, almonds contain the most alkaline. Almonds are low in saturated fat and contain nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, folic acid and zinc, as well as fiber. Almonds are the nut found inside the almond fruit, similar to a peach pit. California supplies 80% of the world’s supply of almonds, and they are readily available.
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts have a high concentration of monounsaturated fats. They are a good source of magnesium, potassium, thiamine and selenium. Brazil nuts are the large seeds on enormous trees in the South American rain forest. You can eat them raw, roasted or in baked goods.
Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin E as well as folic acid, potassium, manganese and copper. Although Turkey is the largest producer of hazelnuts, hazelnut trees are grown in temperate zones worldwide. Also known as a cob nut or filbert nut according to species, hazelnuts are used mostly in chocolate bars, baking, salads and snacks.
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Writer Bio
Brian Burhoe has been writing professionally since 1971. His stories have appeared in "World of If Magazine," "Fantastic Stories" and "Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year." He cooks in Atlantic Coast restaurants and he is a graduate of the Holland College Culinary Course and holds a Canadian Culinary Federation chef's certificate.
Photo Credits
coconuts image by Amjad Shihab from Fotolia.com