Team-Building Activities for Couples

young couple image by Mat Hayward from

Team-building activities have been successful in both youth groups and in business to help people work together more effectively. These games and activities can improve the relationships of couples as well. Like building a muscle, building a relationship takes consistent activity and working out. These activities act as a sort of workout for your relationship, giving it a chance to grow in a healthy fashion.

Rebuilding the "We"

This activity can be done at home with your partner and some paper and a pen or pencil. Each of you should write your plans for the upcoming week, leaving a space next to each item. Next to each item, mark whether the activity will erode, build or have no effect on the sense of togetherness you both share. Couples do not always think about how certain activities they do separately may diminish their togetherness. Take another sheet of paper and write down several statements starting with "we" about what you like, dislike and your opinions as a couple. This helps to unify the two of you in a "we" sense. Lastly, list activities that each of you do daily that could be shared. This will help to give you more opportunities for togetherness throughout the week.

Blind Maze

This activity is best done as part of a class or with several other couples. The game does not have to involve an actual maze, as it can be done in an empty room or in a room that has obstacles set up. One partner in each couple puts on a blindfold. The other partner has the responsibility of moving the partner from one end of the maze or room to the other. The game has several variations, one of which involves not being able to speak to your partner in addition to the blindfold. You can also set it up so that both partners can only speak in gibberish. This game helps to build trust between partners.

Trust Lean

This well-known couples activity is practically a cliché and can be seen in many films and television shows that involve couples team building. That being said, it is a cliché because it works. One partner stands behind the other partner. The partner in front crosses his arms in front of him. The partner in back puts her hands on her partner's back. The front partner begins to lean backwards, slowly, letting the back partner take the weight of the front partner. The front partner leans farther and farther back and the back partner takes more and more of his weight. After the back partner has all of the front partner's weight, they can get back to standing and switch. This can build trust in a couple as one partner is completely letting go and trusting the other.

Two-Headed Monster

This game involves at least two couples and requires a theatrical touch. The game is essentially an improvised scene between two characters. Each character, however, is played by one couple attempting to speak all of their lines at the same time. Each couple must speak slowly, attempting to mimic their partner and guessing what word they are about to say next. The game will have most couples laughing within seconds, but try to encourage them to stay in the scene as much as possible. The game truly gives couples the opportunity to finish each other's sentences.