Whether it be a sorority, a charity group, a networking facilitator or just a well-organized playgroup, a social outlet can be very helpful to a woman in providing camaraderie and support. Any structured group of differing personalities requires a set of standards to ensure that everyone’s best interests are met. The following is a guide to setting rules for a women's social club.
Rules That Deal With Conflict
By nature, human beings in relaxed settings have the tendency to get personal. Interpersonal relationships tend to involve emotion and when emotions are involved there can be conflict. Conflict can take the form of gossip or rumor distribution, exclusion, confrontation and even aggressive behavior. All of these things can be destructive to the group itself. In order to prevent conflict, issue a rule or set of rules that eliminates this behavior. For example, no gossip, no arguing and absolutely no physical violence of any kind will help to squash incidents before they get out of hand or cause hurt feelings.
Rules About Discretion
The interpersonal nature of a social club may also encourage the sharing of ideas and stories that you may not want shared outside the group. Organizations like sororities pass down sacred traditions and secrets that require members to keep a strict code of silence. Even if your subject matter doesn’t propel you to swear everyone to secrecy, you can still institute a rule of discretion to your members. This would mean that they don’t publicly promote the happenings of the organization or the way it is coordinated. Members should be instructed never to give out personal information like phone numbers or addresses of other members. When everyone feels comfortable that their privacy is being protected they will be more apt to open up and fully participate.
Other Rules
Other rules that you can apply to your social group are up to your judgment. Some groups might benefit from a dress code. Others may have rules about collecting dues. A rule that might be helpful in a play group is an illness provision where members are required to stay home if someone is sick so as not to spread germs. There can be rules about how often each member is required to participate, how to handle property of the organization or how to properly correspond with the public on behalf of the group. Talk with your group and come up with a list of rules that everyone feels comfortable with. If everyone is on the same page, you will find that things can run much more smoothly.
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Writer Bio
Diane Todd holds a Bachelor of Arts in mass communication from North Carolina State University and is a former video and web producer for a North Carolina multimedia agency. She also spent several years as a media specialist/graphics designer for the Cumberland County school system in Fayetteville, N.C.