How to Get Paid for Taking Care of Parents on Social Security

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Caring for your parents on Social Security can be time-consuming, as well as add a financial burden to your own family. Thousands of adult children quit their jobs or take leaves of absences to care for the aging parents. Some people are fortunate that they have parents that can afford to pay them for care, while most of the aging population lives close to the federal poverty level. Many states offer programs that will pay you for caring for your parents.

Check With Local and State Services

Contact your local Adult and Aging Services office. Ask them if they offer in-home support services or if your state offers a cash and counseling program. In-home support services pay the caregiver an hourly wage, while a cash and counseling program pays a sum to the recipient to offset the cost of food, medical care, transportation and bills to the designated caregiver. Not all states offer in-home support services that will pay you to care for your own parent.

Apply for Medicaid (Medi-Cal if you reside in California) for your parents. Most agencies require the recipient to also be eligible for Medicaid. Typically you will need to provide proof of citizenship, identification, income and resources.

Get A Social Worker Involved

Schedule an appointment with your state agency to have a social worker assess the needs of your parents. In-home support services uses a formula to determine how many hours a week care is needed based on the recipients capability for self-care, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping and transportation to medical appointments.

Become A Certified Caregiver

Get certified with the state to become a home care provider. Certification includes training that meets Medicaid requirements and may differ from state to state. Training may be through a local government agency or a community college for a low fee.