Understanding how someone feels about you romantically can be a challenge, especially if you are just getting to know each other. However, if you pay close attention to the body language of your love interest, you may notice some signals that can clue you in on how she is feeling. From the way she holds her head to the dilation of her pupils, these nonverbal behaviors combined can often speak louder than words.
Eye Contact
Locking eyes with your date can effectively reveal interest, emotions and desire. In addition, David Givens, director of the Center for Nonverbal Studies, points out that eye contact is a form of respect, as well as appreciation and understanding. If you notice her pupils growing larger as your conversation progresses, that means she is experiencing something that she enjoys. Also notice where her gaze is directed. If she has no problem looking into your eyes while talking, then she could be romantically interested. If her line of sight is off to the side or over your head, she may not be comfortable or ready to open up to you.
Head Tilting
Tilting of the head is another tell-tale sign of attraction. When having a meaningful conversation, if you notice that your date has angled her head slightly while you are speaking, it means she is interested in what is being said. Vanessa Van Edwards, an author and behavioral investigator, says that exposing the neck allows pheromones to be released into the air. Pheromones are an odor agent secreted by a member of a species that is believed to attract members of the same species. Tonya Reiman, author of "The Body Language of Dating," suggests that when a woman tilts her head it is a sign she is open to attention and trusts that the other person won't hurt her.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. If your date feels comfortable enough around you, you may notice she is mirroring some of your mannerisms or movements. For instance, if you stretch your arms up, she may do the same. If you cross your legs during a conversation, she might move to do so as well. Her inflection, sentence structure and facial expressions are other attributes that you may notice line up with yours as well. Givens notes that this type of courtship is a fine example of couples becoming at ease with each other.
Moist Palms
If you shake your date's hand and notice that it feels damp and sweaty, it may be possible that an attraction is brewing. Moist palms are a physiological response to romantic feelings. Just as the heart beats faster when in close proximity to a crush, those same chemicals also kick-start the glands responsible for sweating. A human being's palm is made up of 370 sweat glands every square centimeter, so the more adrenaline-ridden you are, the more slick the hand will be. To be sure that your date really likes you and doesn't just have issues with her sweat glands, take note of whether she is displaying any other signs of nonverbal romantic attraction, as well.
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- Love Signals; David Givens
- The Everything Body Language Book; Shelly Hagen
- The Body Language of Dating: Read His Signals, Send Your Own, and Get the Guy; Tonya Reiman
- Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship; David Givens
- Mimicry and Seduction: An Evaluation in a Courtship Context; Nicolas Guéguen
- Anatomy of the Human Body; Henry Gray
Writer Bio
Ashley K. Alaimo is a writer, blogger and certified teacher in New York. She has a master's degree in elementary education and early childhood education from Medaille College, as well as a bachelor's degree in music and theater from Buffalo State College. Alaimo has also worked as an education specialist with ages birth to 12 years old, creating classroom and enrichment curriculum for various early childhood centers.
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