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In Greece, bread is considered an important part of every meal. Many Greek breads have a rich history and have been enjoyed throughout the country for centuries. Some of the most common Greek breads include pita, bobota, horiatiko psomi, skorthopsomo and tyropsomo. Lagana, also called Clean Monday bread, is a special Greek bread eaten only once a year.
Pita Bread
The familiar pita bread has its signature pocket that's so useful for sandwiches. The pocket is formed by steam during the cooking process. Make pita gyros by adding tomatoes, onions, meat and tzatziki, which is a yogurt-based sauce, to the pita. Or, serve pita bread with a tzatziki dip as a snack or appetizer.
Bobota was originally made by poorer cooks because the recipe uses only a few basic and inexpensive ingredients. The bread is made from cornmeal and uses orange juice to pull the meal together, rather than milk, butter or eggs. Bobota is usually crumbly, but it can be made in any texture, from a sturdier bread to one with a polentalike consistency.
Lagana or Clean Monday Bread
Lagana is only made on the first Monday in Lent, the first day of Lent according to the Eastern Orthodox tradition, Greece's main religion. The bread is a simple leavened bread and is usually eaten with shellfish.
Horiatiko Psomi
Horiatiko psomi, or country bread, is a dense and crusty Greek bread traditionally made in wood-burning ovens. More common in rural Greece, this bread's texture is perfect for dipping into olive oil and sauces and is made by mixing several different types of flours. You can make it with yeast or a sourdough culture.
Skorthopsomo and Tyropsomo
Simple and delicious, skorthopsomo and tyropsomo and are usually served with meals. Skorthopsomo is a garlic bread that should always be made with fresh garlic. Most cooks pound the garlic and mix it with butter to spread onto the bread. A food processor can also be used to crush the garlic. Tyropsomo is made with feta cheese, which gives it its rich flavor. You need to work a substantial amount of feta cheese into the dough before baking it.
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Writer Bio
Melissa Hamilton began writing professionally in 2007. She has enjoyed cooking creatively in the kitchen from a young age. In addition to writing cooking articles for various publications, she currently works in the restaurant industry as a food and beverage trainer.
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Olgaorly/iStock/Getty Images