How to Shine Your JROTC Uniform Shoes

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JROTC uniform shoes are made of shiny black leather. This leather is to be cleaned and maintained as described in the JROTC handbook. The goal of the shining process is to create a glossy finish to your JROTC uniform shoes. Black shoe polish is used to clean and condition the leather of the shoe and keep it shiny. Once you have become comfortable with the method of cleaning and shining your JROTC shoes, you will be able to complete the job quickly and efficiently.

Place the uniform shoes in front of you. This allows you to view all areas of the shoe easily to ensure you don't miss any spots.

Clean off any dirt or mud from the leather surface of the shoes by rubbing it off with a cotton ball that has been soaked in warm water.

Put some black shoe polish on a cotton ball. Beginning at the toe of a shoe, rub the cotton ball in small circles on the surface of the shoe. Work your way around the side of the shoe and over the heel of the shoe and then around the other side and back to the toe. Be careful to apply polish to all of the shoe's surface. Reapply the black shoe polish to the cotton ball after circling for several seconds. Use multiple cotton balls. When you have applied shoe polish all over one shoe, repeat this process on the other shoe.

Repeat step three so you have polished both shoes with black shoe polish twice. This ensures the shoe will have a glossy shine.

Dip a cotton ball in warm water. Starting at the toe again, repeat the polishing process from step three but with warm water on the cotton balls instead of shoe polish. Rewet and replace the cotton balls when necessary. Apply some pressure to the surface of the shoe as you polish. The black leather of the shoe will shine to a mirror finish.