How to Repair Squeaky Crocs

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Crocs are shoes that should allow the wearer to go anywhere in comfy style, but a squeaky shoe can be incredibly embarrassing. Linoleum floors are usually the culprit — shoes that make no noise all day might make a cacophony of sound at every step the next if the floors have been cleaned or waxed overnight. But you can remedy the squeak with an at-home treatment, instead of returning your Crocs or relegating them to running errands or garden work.

Conditioning Your Crocs

washing up image by Horticulture from

Clean your shoes. Crocs are made of a material that can be submersed in water, so fill your kitchen sink with warm soapy water and give them a good scrub.

bottle of oil image by Adrian Hillman from

While the shoes are still warm from the water, pour about a tablespoon of vegetable oil onto each sole. Rub the oil all over the bottom of each shoe and anywhere two pieces of rubber on the shoe connect, like at the heel strap.

Dab off any extra oil with paper towels.

Allow shoes to sit overnight before wearing them. This gives time for the oil to soak in, so you don't risk of slipping.

Test out the shoes on your kitchen or bathroom floor, or any other linoleum surface. If you still hear squeaking, repeat steps 2 through 4.