How to Mold a Shoe Sole

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If you are in the business of making shoes, you know that one of the most important parts is the sole. A sole should provide traction with the ground while remaining comfortable. Soles are made out of a number of materials, but they are typically cast out of a mold. Once you have a mold of a shoe sole, you can make as many copies as you need. Silicone rubber provides quality molds, due to the material's flexibility and durability.

Glue the shoe sole to be molded face-up in the center of the shoebox.

Brush a thin layer of petroleum jelly onto the shoe sole and the inside of the shoe box. This will prevent the silicone from sticking. Be careful not to fill in any detail.

Mix a small batch of molding silicone according to its directions.

Apply a thin layer of silicone to the shoe sole. Tap the silicone with a brush into all of the nooks and crannies to capture the detail. Be careful to avoid bubbles in this detail coat.

Allow the silicone to cure fully. It should no longer be sticky to the touch.

Mix a larger batch of silicone.

Pour the silicone into the shoebox, covering the sole at least one-half inch deep. Pour from high up, allowing air bubbles to break as the silicone drizzles down.

Allow the silicone to cure fully.

Remove the cardboard and the shoe sole from the mold.