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Cloth covers for your canning jars can be elaborate hand-embroidered or appliqued covers, or they can be a simple square or circle of fabric. Choose fabric that will complement your kitchen decor. Simply tie the fabric on the jar or sew reusable covers with elastic to hold the fabric to the jar. If you're giving a jar as a gift, include a tag or label that identifies the contents and the date.
Quick No-Sew Jar Covers
Determine the shape and size of the cover. Cut covers in a circle for an even fringe all around or in a square for a less uniform look. Wide-mouth jars need a 7-inch diameter circle or a 7-inch square. Small-mouth jars will need a 6-inch circle or square.
Cut the fabric with pinking shears for a decorative edge and to prevent the fabric from unraveling.
Place the fabric square or circle on the lid, centering the fabric with an even overhang. Secure the fabric with a thin rubber band.
Cover the rubber band with a pretty ribbon or raffia. Tie a bow and trim the ribbon to fit.
Reusable Canning Jar Covers
Cut fabric circles to either 6 or 7 inches in diameter with the pinking shears. Turn under the edge of the fabric and hand or machine sew lace or trim onto the edge if desired.
Cut a piece of 1/4-inch elastic slightly smaller than the circumference of the jar. Draw a circle onto the fabric that is 1 inch in diameter larger than the lid to allow for a 1/2-inch margin all around the lid.
Fold the elastic into quarters and mark the positions onto the elastic. Fold the fabric circle into quarters and mark the positions on the circle you have drawn.
Sew the elastic onto the underside of the fabric circle using a zigzag stitch along the circle you drew. Stretch the elastic so the quarter marks line up on the fabric and elastic. Overlap the end of the elastic slightly and secure it by backstitching.
Place the canning jar cover over the lid and tie it with ribbon or raffia.
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Writer Bio
Diane Watkins has been writing since 1984, with experience in newspaper, newsletter and Web content. She writes two electronic newsletters and has a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Clemson University. She has taken graduate courses in biochemistry and education.
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msk.nina/iStock/Getty Images