How to Hold Braids Without Rubber Bands

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Cultures around the world braid hair as part of the age-old hairstyling method. A variety of materials will successfully hold the end of a braid, but the low cost and availability of rubber bands makes them a common tool. Yet, anyone who has ever unwrapped a rubber band from her hair knows the painful pulling and tedious untangling associated with its grip. With a little creativity, holding your braids without rubber bands is easy.

Hold the ends of the braids with small barrettes. Slide the lower half of a small barrette under the end of the braid and press down on the top half of the barrette to secure the hair. Keep the hair from sliding out by using barrettes with small teeth on the inside. The tiny teeth grip strands tightly, making the braid secure. Barrettes work well on thick, curly hair or braids that end halfway down the scalp.

Wrap silicone hair elastics around the end of the braids. Silicone hair elastics offer the flexibility and security of a traditional rubber band without the pain and tangling. Wrap and twist the silicone elastic around the end of the braid just as you would with a traditional rubber band. Continue twisting and pulling the hair through the silicone elastic until it feels tight and secure. This method works on all types of hair.

Hold the braid ends tight with sandwich bag twist ties. Twist ties are pain free, inexpensive and easy to use. Pull both ends up of the twist tie up and around the end of the braid. Secure the twist tie by pinching and twisting the ends around the hair several times with your fingers. Tie ribbons over the twist tie for a more festive appearance.