How to Get Nail Glue Off of Your Skin

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

Nail glue used to adhere artificial nails to fingernails is similar to super glue. Occasionally when applying the nails, some of the glue will attach to nearby skin. The glue can be quickly removed from the skin using products found in most homes.

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

Buff the area with a nail file to remove the outer layer of glue. Rinse with warm water.

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

Soak the area in nail polish remover containing acetone. Soak the skin up to 10 minutes. Rinse the area with warm water and repeat, if necessary.

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

Take a break from soaking the skin if it becomes red and feels uncomfortable. Wash with warm, soapy water and re-soak in 30 minutes.

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

Massage baby oil or petroleum jelly onto the affected area as an alternative. Rub the product onto the glue and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wash off the product using warm, soapy water.

Aleksandra Ozimek/Demand Media

File away any glue residue using an emery board. Lightly scour the area to remove all glue.