How Do I Use Rit Dye to Make Turquoise Color?

turquoise image by Maxim Petrichuk from

Like many colors, turquoise comes in a variety of shades. Although certain shades of blue or green are labeled as turquoise, generally turquoise is recognized as a blue-green color. Even though turquoise is a popular color for clothing, jewelry and appliances, items in that color are not always readily available. Creating the color turquoise from Rit dye is a matter of mixing the proper colors together.

Add three gallons of warm water into your bucket.

Add one package of Royal Blue Rit dye to the water and stir until it dissolves.

Add one package of Kelly Green Rit dye to the water and stir until it dissolves. Once the colors mix, you will have turquoise.

Wet the fabric that you wish to dye and squeeze out any moisture.

Add the fabric to the turquoise dye and allow to set for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. If you are looking for a light turquoise, leave the fabric in the dye for 15 minutes.

Rinse the fabric with water then wash and dry as you normally would.