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Fraxel lasers are used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and sun-damaged skin, but without the downtime associated with traditional ablative lasers. The primary difference between Fraxel re:pair™ and Fraxel re:store™ is in the aggressiveness of treatment.
An aggressive treatment, Fraxel re:pair™ is suitable for severely damaged skin, including deeper acne scarring. In contrast, Fraxel re:store™ resurfaces moderately damaged skin, treating wrinkles, milder acne scars and melasma.
The average cost of Fraxel re:pair™ is between $3,000 and $5,000, according to the Fraxel website. The DermaNetwork website notes that the cost of the procedure varies depending upon geographic area, and the aggressiveness of the treatment. According to the Fraxel website, the average cost of a Fraxel re:store™ treatment ranges from $750 to $1,500.
Treatments Required
Fraxel re:pair™ is composed of a single, aggressive treatment. As Fraxel re:store,™ is gentler, multiple treatments are usually required for optimal results. Most patients require at least 3 to 5 treatments.
Recovery time following a Fraxel re:pair™ treatment can take up to 10 days. Fraxel re:store™ requires significantly less downtime—usually between 2 and 4 days, according to the Fraxel website.
Patients should be wary of clinics that offer any Fraxel laser treatment for significantly less than the average cost—this could indicate an improperly trained or unlicensed clinician. If used incorrectly, a Fraxel laser can burn and scar the skin.
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Writer Bio
Giselle Berge has written professionally since 2003 and for Demand Studios since 2009, with numerous articles published on eHow. She specializes in travel, living and investing abroad and natural health and beauty. She received a Certifcat de Langue Française from Paris-Sorbonne IV in 2005, and also studied in Italy at the Universita' per Stranieri di Perugia.
Photo Credits
Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images