Next to the ear, the nose is the most popular part of the body to have pierced. Nose piercings add a touch of personal style to the wearer and can accentuate the nose. Piercings of this type can be problematic, especially if they are not healed properly.
Piercing Method
While a piercing gun is used to pierce ears, a needle is most commonly used to pierce the nose. The nose is pierced with a needle because it causes less damage and because a needle can be cleaned and sterilized whereas a piercing gun cannot be. If it's an option, choose the needle over the gun.
Piercing Location
Nose piercings are most commonly placed on the outside of the nostril. Some people choose to have their septum pierced but that is an is an entirely different procedure that heals and reacts differently. The nose piercing is usually done in the crease of the nose because that is where the skin and tissue is the thinnest.
Healing Time
For most, the healing time for a nose piercing will range between three and six months. This varies depending on the method by which the piercing was done, the type of jewelry used, presence of infection and aftercare. During this time the wearer should not attempt to remove or change out the stud for another style.
Tightness of Jewelry
While you may want a piece of jewelry that is very tight for your nose piercing, it's better to have a looser piece. Tight jewelry may lead to infection and may make the area harder to clean. If you have a question regarding whether or not the jewelry you are considering is too small or too large, consult your piercer.
The areas should be cleaned at least twice a day using a mild antibacterial soap. In the absence of soap, rubbing alcohol can be used. Gently clean the area with a cotton ball and remove any crusted skin and debris from the area. Do not remove the ring or move it too much, as this may cause damage and increase healing time.
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Writer Bio
Based in Kentucky, Katy Lindamood is a full-time freelance writer. She has been writing for magazines and professional websites since 2006 and has a background in retail management and home improvement. Lindamood holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration and human resources.