Many women and men are on the eternal quest to find the perfect anti-wrinkle cream or lotion. Most of us are not aware that flaxseed oil, which can be applied topically or consumed, is considered an effective anti-wrinkle agent.
Who Knew?
Apparently even the well-known cosmetics line Oil of Olay has learned of the benefits of flaxseed oil as an anti-wrinkle agent because it is incorporating it into some of its creams and lotions. Flaxseed oil contains oils and proteins that are made up of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Our skin has a fatty layer made up of these acids and additional fats. The more omega-3 acids you have in your body, the stronger the layer of fat will be around the skin cells, meaning that your cells (and your skin) will be plumper. When you plump up the skin, the appearance of wrinkles diminishes, according to
Watch the Wrinkles Disappear says that taking a tablespoon of flaxseed oil every day (and make sure that it's fresh, not spoiled), up to four times a day, will actually make deeply etched wrinkles disappear. Flaxseed oil can cause diarrhea, so be careful. You may wish to start with a tablespoon per day until you get acclimated.
Flaxseed oil reportedly lubricates and softens the skin, which reduces the obviousness of wrinkles, according to Our bodies use the essential fatty acids (EFA) contained in flaxseed oil to metabolize vitamins, produce hormones and protect us at a cellular level. If you have EFA deficiencies, you may be suffering from dry skin or eczema.
Dr. Johanna Budwig of has a recipe for eating flaxseed that she calls Budwig's Blend: Put two to five tablespoons of flaxseed oil into your blender along with a cup of organic cottage cheese, one to three tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed, some water -- enough to make the concoction soft -- and a little cayenne pepper, then blend.
Other Benefits
According to, flaxseed oil not only contains the omega-3 fatty acids but also alpha-linolenic acid and lignans, all of which combat inflammation, allergies, asthma, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as improve the reproductive health of women. Rich in fiber and vitamins, it can help maintain the health of skin, hair and eyes. notes that flaxseed oil can reduce the effects (redness and inflammation) caused by skin disorders such as rosacea, eczema and acne and can help an individual heal from a sunburn.
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Writer Bio
Cindi Pearce is a graduate of Ohio University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in journalism. She completed both the undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the Institute of Children’s Literature. Pearce has been writing professionally for over 30 years.