If you're a fan of hot cereals, you may have fond memories from your childhood of being served old-fashioned farina on a cold winter day before school. This hot cereal is made from wheat finely milled to a granular consistency and is most commonly served like a hot porridge. Pick up your favorite brand of farina from the grocery store to relive this classic hot breakfast for yourself and perhaps for your kids. While your folks may have prepared it traditionally with water, cooking it with milk makes for a creamier and tastier hot farina.
Stovetop Option
Step 1
Fill a small pot with milk and salt and bring to just to a boil on the stove. Remove the pot from the heat immediately, if necessary to keep the milk from rising and spilling over as it boils, and then reduce the heat to a low boil. For every one serving of hot farina you plan on preparing, heat 1 cup of milk and a dash of salt. You can use any type of milk you prefer, although whole milk will result in a creamier hot cereal than milk with reduced fat.
Step 2
Slowly stir in the farina cereal into the hot milk and raise the heat to return the milk to a boil. Add in 3 tablespoons of farina for every 1 cup of milk. Stir constantly and reduce the heat to a low simmer as soon as it boils. Cook for another two to three minutes. It is important to not stop stirring to ensure a smooth farina cereal, free of lumps.
Step 3
Stir in sugar, butter, and any other flavoring ingredients to your taste, as the farina is cooking and thickening. Additional options to consider include cocoa powder, cinnamon, honey, canned pumpkin and maple syrup.
Step 4
Pour the farina into bowls to serve. You can top the farina with toppings such as almonds, granola and raisins, if you so choose.
Microwave Option
Step 1
Combine milk, farina and dash of salt in a microwave-safe bowl and stir well. You'll need 1 cup of milk,3 tablespoons of farina and dash of salt for every serving you plan to make.
Step 2
Place the farina in the microwave and cook on high for one minute. Open the microwave and stir the mixture well.
Step 3
Continue to microwave the farina for up to two minutes more, stopping to stir every 30 seconds. Remove when the farina is thickened to your liking.
Step 4
Stir in flavoring ingredients such as sugar and butter to your taste, as well as any toppings. Serve hot.
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- If plan on serving farina to toddlers, you can prepare it in the same way, except reduce or omit the sugar, butter and additional ingredients altogether to keep it nutritious.
- When serving farina to young children, let the farina cool for a couple of minutes to make sure it is not piping hot.
Writer Bio
Based in Los Angeles, Zora Hughes has been writing travel, parenting, cooking and relationship articles since 2010. Her work includes writing city profiles for Groupon. She also writes screenplays and won the S. Randolph Playwriting Award in 2004. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in television writing/producing and a Master of Arts Management in entertainment media management, both from Columbia College.
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