How to Cook Salmon in a Steamer Basket

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Along with being a great source of protein, vitamin B12 and selenium, salmon is best known for delivering those all-important omega-3 fatty acids — the kind that, according to the American Heart Association, can decrease the risk of abnormal heartbeats and even lower blood pressure slightly. One of the best ways to retain all of those good nutrients and keep the salmon moist and full of flavor is to steam it in a basket. Figuring out the steaming time can be tricky on a first try, however, so use a meat thermometer to ensure that it's cooked just right.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Fill the steaming pot with about 2 inches of cold water and bring it to a boil.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Slice the lemon into thin circles, then line the bottom of the steaming basket with them.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Lay a few sprigs of fresh dill on top of the lemon slices. Use about two sprigs per 8 ounces of salmon.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Sprinkle salt and pepper over the salmon to taste, along with other herbs you enjoy with salmon; parsley and thyme are good choices. Go easy on the seasonings, however, to avoid overpowering the delicate taste of the salmon.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Drizzle the salmon with olive oil and then place it on top of the dill and lemon in the basket.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Reduce the water in the steaming pot to a simmer and then place the steaming basket inside.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Cover the basket with a lid and steam the salmon for about 10 minutes per 8 ounces of fish or until the flesh is opaque and separates easily with a fork.

Diane Shear/Demand Media

Remove the lid and insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part of the salmon. It should read at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit before consumption.