Baking salmon with Miracle Whip gives the fish a sweet, flavorful taste and helps to keep the fish moist while cooking. Miracle Whip contains the same basic ingredients as mayonnaise with additional flavors and spices for a distinctive taste. Kraft, the company that manufactures Miracle Whip, claims its products contains half the fat of mayonnaise. If you prefer the taste of Miracle Whip over mayonnaise, you may enjoy this low-fat option for baking your salmon.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Lay a piece of aluminum foil big enough to wrap the salmon fillet in on the counter.
Position a sharp knife just underneath the skin and slice down the length of the fillet until you reach the opposite end to remove the skin.
Spread an even, thin layer of Miracle Whip on both sides of the fillet with a butter knife.
Place the salmon on top of the aluminum foil.
Sprinkle spices on both sides of the fillet. Choose from such spices as salt, pepper, parsley, dill and garlic or onion salt.
Wrap the aluminum foil around the fish and close it tightly to seal in juices while the salmon cooks.
Place the salmon in the oven and cook for about 20 minutes.
Remove the salmon from the oven when it flakes evenly when pierced with a fork.
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- To achieve a crust on the salmon, place it under the broiler for the last few minutes of baking.
- Coat the salmon with a some soy sauce before spreading the Miracle Whip on it for a different flavor.
Writer Bio
Sommer Leigh has produced home, garden, family and health content since 1997 for such nationally known publications as "Better Homes and Gardens," "Ladies' Home Journal," "Midwest Living," "Healthy Kids" and "American Baby." Leigh also owns a Web-consulting business and writes for several Internet publications. She has a Bachelor of Science in information technology and Web management from the University of Phoenix.
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