Peru's rural people dress in clothing that is a result of a mix of pre-Hispanic and European influences. Decoration methods and colors vary by region, but a few types of clothing remain the same regardless of the slight variations in decorating techniques.
Ajotas, made from recycled tires and worn by men and women, are the traditional sandals of rural Andean Peru. These sandals are inexpensive to make, and long lasting.

Peruvian women always wear a hat or "Monteras." One frequently seen type drapes downward and has woven straps decorated with white beading.
Colorful skirts called polleras or in some areas melkkhay, provide daily clothing for Peruvian women. Made from hand-woven wool called bayeta, women layer the skirts and often hand-embroider the trim.

Men generally wear ponchos to special occasions, for example, at weddings. However, in some areas in Peru, men wear their ponchos every day. Intricate designs decorate these hand-woven, frequently brilliant red-colored ponchos.

Peruvian children usually wear a chullo, the multicolored knitted hat with earflaps. Traditionally a child's father knits the child's first chullo himself. Sometimes in different areas of Peru, people decorate chullos with beads and tassels.
Dancing Clothes
During festivals the Peruvian people enjoy watching traditional dance. Dancers wear silk clothing instead of cotton. One type of dancers, the "scissor dancers," decorate their dance costumes with small mirrors and embroideries of dieties on the back of the shirts.
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Writer Bio
Connie Whiting has been a professional writer since 1999. She is published in Red Rock Press Anthologies and "Legacy" magazine. She is also an experienced food column writer. Past positions include certified dental assistant and virtual assistant for “Your Invisible Assistant” a service focused on travel arrangements and media writing. Currently, Connie writes for Demand Studios while pursuing an Associate of Arts.
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