What Is a Gram of 14K Gold Worth?

gold coin image by Greg Pickens from Fotolia.com

Calculating what a gram of 14K gold is worth involves several conversions, and you need the most recent price of gold. The weight measurement of grams must be converted to ounces, since the price of gold is always quoted in dollars per ounce. Since 14K gold is not pure gold, the exact percentage of gold contained inside it must also be figured.

Convert Grams to Ounces

Convert grams to ounces by dividing the grams by 28.35. For 1g of 14K gold, the conversion would be 0.035 ounces.

Calculate Purity

14K gold has a gold content of 58.3 percent. The rest of it is composed of other metals alloyed with the gold to make it harder and less expensive. Multiply the amount you converted from grams to ounces (0.035) by the percentage of pure gold (0.583). The result is 0.02 oz. of pure gold in 1g of 14K gold.

Spot Price of Gold

Look up the spot price of gold. This is the price paid for pure gold in financial markets around the world. The spot price of gold changes every day, so it is important to look it up each time you perform a calculation. A simple search of the Internet or a newspaper financial section will provide the spot price of gold.


Calculate what a gram of 14K gold is worth by multiplying the amount of pure gold in ounces contained in 14K gold (0.02 ounces) by the spot price of gold. For example, if the spot price of gold is $900 per oz. the value of 1g of 14K gold would be 900 x 0.02 = $18.


Now that you know what a gram of 14K gold is worth, you can multiply that figure by the number of grams of 14K gold you have. This will tell you what the gold inside a 14K gold item is worth.