Coconut acid is obtained from the meat of the coconut and used in soaps because the extra fat it contains helps ensure the lye is fully reacted, and it gives the soap a good feel and more lather.
Lauric Acid
Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid and one of the main ingredients used by soap makers. When it is used to create a bar of soap, it produces a fluffy lather and helps create the firmness of the soap. Only soap that contains 100 percent coconut oil will produce lather in salt water.
Coconut Acid's Effect on Skin
Coconut oil has benefits for the skin as well. It possesses an anti-inflammatory property that makes it great for both children’s skin and anyone with sensitive skin. However, if an excessive amount of coconut oil is used in soaps--more than 30 percent--it can strip the skin of its natural oils and moisture.
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Writer Bio
Based in Indiana, Molly Smith has been writing freelance articles since 2008. She specializes in health and beauty, literature and computer articles. Smith holds an Associate of Science degree in liberal arts with a concentration in English and communications.
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