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Men often insist that they don't understand women, but if they pay closer attention to body language, many secrets can be revealed. Relationship coach, author and couples' counselor Ruth Purple reports that the challenge of reading women becomes even more complicated when a man is interested in a woman. His own emotions and feelings get tangled in his perception, often leading to miscommunication and missed signals.
Women smile at men they like. Count it as a positive indication of her interest if she smiles when you walk into a room or when you speak to her. She will laugh at your jokes and have a crinkle in her eyes even when her mouth isn't turned up in a smile. In a crowd, watch how she turns to you and sends a little smile your way before returning to the conversation in which she's engaged.
Women, like men, become more self-conscious of their appearance when they are around someone they like. Watch for signs that she's concerned about looking her best around you. She may fuss with her hair, straighten her blouse or check her lipstick. In addition to satisfying her own impulse to look her best when you're around, the subtle grooming signs also serve as sexual signals as she touches various body parts.
Eye Contact
Eyes give the most important flirting signals, especially during initial meetings, according to the Social Issues Research Center. When a woman holds your gaze, she is intentionally sending you a signal of interest. At the same time, she may catch your eye and quickly turn away, with a smiling, playful gaze, inviting you to pursue her. If interested, she will turn again for another glimpse, smiling. A woman interested in you will usually hold your eye contact for a second or two longer than is socially acceptable.
Body Position
Where she stands when talking to you can indicate her continued interest. Americans typically maintain a 3- to 4-foot distance in social contexts when talking to other people. When a woman begins to invade that space and gets as close as one or two feet away from you, she is definitely indicating that she likes you or wants to get to know you better. Watch for other posturing cues that indicate her interest. If she points her feet or body toward you, she is sending positive signs of interest. Mirroring your own posture is another sign that she likes you.
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Writer Bio
Linda Ray is an award-winning journalist with more than 20 years reporting experience. She's covered business for newspapers and magazines, including the "Greenville News," "Success Magazine" and "American City Business Journals." Ray holds a journalism degree and teaches writing, career development and an FDIC course called "Money Smart."
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