School Uniforms Vs. Regular Clothes

In many public schools, the choice to wear school uniforms is made by the school district. Parents and students have to go along with the decision. Wearing a school uniform vs. regular clothes has benefits.


In 1987, the first public school in the U.S. passed a mandatory school uniform rule, according to the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). In 2000, more than 21 percent of all public schools had a uniform policy.


In schools where there is a uniform policy, statistics show a drop in crime, school suspensions, sex offenses and vandalism, according to the NAESP.


Wearing a school uniform vs. regular clothes assures no one will stand out for having more expensive clothing than others. Having all students in the same clothing reduces incidences of bullying.


Having a school uniform policy keeps the focus on education instead of socialization. Students are less likely to segregate into groups when all students dress in uniforms.

Freedom to Choose

Enforcing a school uniform policy shows some students that schools are getting serious about discipline. Some students resent the idea of taking away their freedom of expressing themselves through their choice of school clothing.