Obituaries provide a brief review of a deceased person's life and are usually printed in a newspaper or other publication. Exact wording may vary, but several key components and phrases are commonly used when writing an obituary.
Common Information
When writing an obituary, several common areas are usually touched on when talking about the deceased, including the person's full name, date of passing, short and concise biographical information and funeral information. Other common obituary information includes the names of surviving immediate family members and immediate family members who have preceded the deceased in death.
Exact words used in an obituary may vary, depending on the individuals involved. However, many phrases are commonly used, including "it is with great sadness that the family of (deceased name) announce (his/her) passing," "fondly remembered by," "lovingly remembered by" and "a celebration of (deceased name) life will be held on."
Memorial Donation Wording
It's recommended not to use the words "in lieu of flowers" when memorial donations are being requested. Rather, the phrase, "Memorial donations may be made to" is the accepted phraseology for such requests.
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Writer Bio
Lou Martin has been writing professionally since 1992. His work has appeared in the "Los Angeles Times," the "Long Beach Press-Telegram" and the "Deseret Morning News." Martin holds a Bachelor of Science in history and communication.
Photo Credits
cemetery image by Einar Bog from Fotolia.com