Adding monogram initials to a gift shows thoughtfulness and adds a personal touch. Whether giving baby’s first bath towel, stemware to a newlywed couple or a new backpack for kindergarten, show your loved one how special they are by monogramming their gift. Monograms are available in many styles, from formal to whimsical, and can be applied to just about any surface, including fabric, glass and metal. Monogram the item on your own or hire a professional for a perfect result.
Create a monogram for children using the first, last and middle initial order. Use the same order for boys and girls. Apply the monogram to onesies, diaper bags, school bags and other clothing items.
Monogram items for an unmarried woman using the first, last and middle initial order. Make the center initial larger than the other two initials. Create a new monogram after a woman marries with her first, married and maiden initials. Place the married initial in the center and make it larger than the other two initials.
Choose one of two options for a man’s monogram. Create the monogram by placing the initials in first, middle and last order, keeping all the letters the same size. Apply this style of monogram to luggage and shirt cuffs. For cufflinks, flasks or beer glasses, use a monogram in the first, last and middle initial order. Place the last initial in the center and make it larger than the other two initials.
Create monograms for a bride and groom with the bride’s first name initial on the left, the couple’s surname initial in the center and the groom’s first name initial on the right. Make the surname initial larger than the other two initials. Choose any style font for the monogram that best reflects the couple’s personality.
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Writer Bio
Kimberly Dyke is a Spanish interpreter with a B.A. in language and international trade from Clemson University. She began writing professionally in 2010, specializing in education, parenting and culture. Currently residing in South Carolina, Dyke has received certificates in photography and medical interpretation.
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