How to Remove Liquid Downy Stains

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All liquid fabric softeners carry a small risk of staining clothing material. Fabric softener stains are often caused by pouring undiluted fabric softener directly onto clothing. Removing stains caused by fabric softener can be done quickly with the proper knowledge. Removing the stains from the fabric also ensures that the clothing continues to look its best.

Non-washable fibers

Wet the stained cloth with water.

Apply detergent to the stain.

Rub the cloth between your hands until the soap lathers.

Rinse the soap from the cloth.

Blot the cloth with a towel. Allow it to fully dry.

Washable fibers

Wet the stained cloth with water.

Apply detergent to the stain.

Rub the cloth between your hands until the soap lathers.

Rinse the soap from the cloth. Blot the cloth with a towel.

Wash the clothing in the washing machine.