How to Cook a Hard Boiled Egg With a Pin in the End

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Poking a hole in the end of an egg before boiling it can help to allow pressure to escape from the egg during boiling, which can prevent cracking. While it is possible to boil an egg without poking a hole first, the technique varies slightly. However, some chefs claim that eggs that have a hole poked in them create watery, overly cooked eggs. When it comes to hard boiled eggs, cooking technique is really based on personal preference and experience.

Poke the wide end of an egg with tip of a sterilized sewing needle just deep enough to break the shell, but not far enough to puncture the yolk inside. Repeat the procedure for each egg.

Add the eggs to a large saucepan big enough to hold the amount of eggs you want to boil and cover them by at least 1 inch with cold water. Add 1 tbsp. salt if desired.

Cover the saucepan and heat the eggs over medium-high heat until boiling. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from heat and allow the eggs to sit for 12 to 15 minutes.

Remove the eggs from the water with a large slotted spoon and place them in a colander in the sink. Rinse the eggs with cold water or allow them to cool naturally.

Store hard-boiled eggs that have their shells intact in the refrigerator for up to 72 hours. Eggs that have been peeled should be discarded after 24 hours if not eaten.