How to Fold a Pocket Raincoat

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A raincoat featuring a self-storing pocket allows the wearer to pack up the outerwear neatly for storage when the jacket or coat is not in use. While some styles and brands prove more challenging than others, your folding and insertion techniques ultimately determine whether your raincoat fits neatly, and with minimal wrinkles, into the jacket's pocket. Never fold a wet raincoat into the pocket; doing so can cause mold and mildew.

Spread your raincoat flat on a table or the floor. Smooth out any major wrinkles or ridges and empty the pockets.

Flip the hood onto the upper chest of the jacket so it lays flat. Fold the arms over each other on the jacket torso. Folding your raincoat into a square shape helps it fit better into the square-shaped pocket.

Fold the bottom half of the raincoat to the top so the bottom hem covers the shoulders and tucked hood, forming a rectangle. It's important to arrange the coat properly so that the self-storing pocket remains upright during the folding process and is accessible for insertion after the jacket is completely folded.

Fold the left side of your raincoat rectangle over the right half to form a square.

Compress the excess air by pressing both hands flat on the top of the folded square until flat. Then, slide it immediately into the designated pocket.