How to Take Care of Wrinkled Hands

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A few wrinkles are bound to occur as the years go by and skin becomes thinner, drier and more prone to damage. The hands often display signs of aging long before the face, because the fragile skin on the backs of the hands contains less collagen. In addition to wrinkles, skin on the hands may become scaly and crepe-like as a result of sun, wind, and exposure to hot water and dish detergent. Although you can't stop time, diligent care can improve the appearance of your hands -- now and into the future.

Step 1

Massage a thick cream or ointment into your skin every time your hands are exposed to water, including after washing your hands or shampooing. Use a product containing moisturizers such as shea butter, vitamin E oil or glycerin.

Step 2

Apply a hand cream that contains sunscreen 20 minutes before you go outdoors. For best results, use a product with an SPF of at least 30.

Step 3

Use a cream that contains hyaluronic acid and ceramides if your hands are extremely dry, chapped, scaly or itchy. Slather the cream on your hands at night, and wear a pair of cotton gloves to bed to hold in the hydration.

Step 4

Wash your hands with a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizing hand soap. Avoid dish soaps and other harsh detergents as much as possible. Protect your hands with rubber gloves when you wash dishes or use cleaning products.

Step 5

Treat your hands to a heated paraffin wax procedure. Soak your hands in the warm wax daily if you have a portable home wax bath. Otherwise, wax treatments are available at many spas and beauty salons.