Can High Doses of Vitamin C Get Rid of Gray Hair?

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Gray hair is a natural part of getting older. If you are in your 30s and going gray, this is most likely due to genetics. Occasionally, you can go gray because of illness or environmental factors, but vitamin C is not known to get rid of gray hair, no matter the cause. Additionally, very high doses of vitamin C can have adverse side effects. Consult your physician if you are concerned about graying strands.

Gray Hair

According to MedlinePlus, no vitamins, supplements or any other product will get rid of or slow down the rate at which your hair turns gray. This is because your hair color is determined by a pigment in your follicles called melanin, and as you get older, your follicles stop producing as much of this pigment, resulting in gray strands. Smoking can speed up the graying process, and underlying health problems can reduce melanin production as well. Certain medications can also cause your hair to become gray, as well as fall out.

Dangers of Too Much Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means your body gets rid of what it does not use through your waste. However, if you take more than 2,000 mg a day, you may experience side effects like an upset stomach, gas, diarrhea or other types of intestinal disturbances. Check with your doctor before you increase the amount of vitamin C you consume, and lower the dosage if you experience any adverse side effects.

Vitamin C and Hair Health

Just because vitamin C cannot get rid of gray hair does not mean it isn’t an important vitamin for hair health. In fact, this vitamin is an antioxidant, and it protects the cells in your hair follicles and the surrounding blood vessels from free radical damage. This helps keep your hair healthy, and the vitamin also helps to strengthen the connective tissue in your hair. For these and other reasons, you should aim to consume 75 mg of vitamin C a day if you are a woman and 90 mg if you are a man.

Additional Considerations

For many people, gray hair is a natural occurrence. But if you are concerned about your gray hair or believe it may be symptomatic of a health problem, consult with your health care provider. He can help figure out the cause of your graying strands, as well as determine whether any treatments are available or necessary. If you are concerned about your vitamin C intake, speak with your physician as well.