Hair on your abdomen can be upsetting, especially to women during summer’s prime swimsuit months. Excessive hair growth is a condition called hirsutism. Hirsutism causes women to develop male-pattern hair growth on their faces, chests, backs and stomachs. Although there are no natural, permanent methods, you can remove hair and significantly reduce regrowth. Instead of suffering through life with unwanted hair, remove the hair and stop its growth through natural means that will not harm your skin.
Determine the cause for your stomach hair. Men naturally have hair on their abdomens, but women do not typically have stomach hair. Hirsutism can be the result of medication, anabolic steroid use, tumors or medical conditions that create hormonal imbalances. Contact your doctor if you feel you are taking medication or suffering from an ailment that causes hirsutism.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. If your excessive abdomen hair is caused by a hormonal imbalance, healthy eating and exercise can diminish or eliminate the hair. Hirsutism caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome is helped by maintaining a healthy weight.
Take supplements designed to decrease the excess androgens that cause hirsutism. Saw palmetto, chaste tree, black cohosh and spearmint tea may lower male hormones in women.
Wax your abdomen with a natural waxing kit. Tweeze any long abdomen hairs. Tweezers and wax are effective tools to remove hair naturally. As you continue to wax and tweeze your hair may grow slower and diminish over time.
Consider permanent methods of hair removal. If natural methods do not remove your abdomen hair to your satisfaction contact a dermatologist to discuss other options. Laser hair removal permanently damages hair follicles with a concentrated laser light so that the hairs fall out and do not regrow. Electrolysis is another permanent method, using an electrical current directed through a needle into the follicle to remove the hair and prevent regrowth.
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Writer Bio
Jennie Dalcour began writing Internet content in 2009. She has worked several years in the telecommunications industry and in sales and marketing. She has spent many years teaching young children and has spent over four years writing curriculum for churches. She is now pursuing a Masters of Arts in clinical psychology at Regent University and has ample experience with special needs children.
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