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A grilled orange adds a dash of elegance to your meal presentation and a serves as a subtle way to incorporate more fruit into your family's diet. Select firm, juicy oranges with vibrant color and smooth skins for grilling. A tasty source of vitamin C, minerals and fiber, grilled oranges complement classic grilling favorites like chicken, fish and kabobs. The colorful fruit takes on a rich flavor as the natural sugars caramelize from the grill's heat. Available year round from well-stocked grocers, oranges are suitable for a summertime outdoor barbecue and may be cooked on an indoor grill to brighten meals on a cool, cloudy day.
Wash the grilled orange in lukewarm soapy water to remove any residue from the skin. Rinse the orange under cool running water and dry it with a towel.
Hold the orange firmly on a cutting board to prevent it from rolling. Slice 1 inch of the stem end off with a sharp kitchen knife. Continue slicing the orange from the stem end in 1/4- to 1/2-inch increments.
Set the orange slices on the grill over medium heat. Allow the slices to cook for two to three minutes until they have developed light brown grill marks. Turn the slices over with tongs and grill for another one to two minutes. Serve hot off the grill or let the slices cool to serve with salads and desserts.
Cut a washed, rinsed and dried orange in half. Place the pieces cut side down on a cutting board and slice into four to six wedges each, depending on the size of the orange.
Thread the orange wedges on skewers. Alternate the wedges with cubes of meat, savory vegetables or other fruit such as peaches, if desired.
Set the loaded skewers on the grill over medium heat. Turn the skewers with tongs every three to four minutes until all sides are evenly browned and the meat is cooked through. Serve kebab-style on a platter garnished with fresh herbs.
Double-Sided Grill
Spray the top and bottom grilling plates of an electric double-sided grill with non-stick cooking spray. Preheat the grill for three to five minutes, depending on the manufacturer's instructions for use.
Arrange 1/2-inch thick slices, from an orange that has been washed and dried, across the grill's bottom plate. Lower the grill's top grilling plate.
Cook for four to five minutes. Open the lid and lift an orange slice with a fork to check for brown hash marks from the ridges on the grill plates. If necessary, lower the lid and grill for another two to three minutes or until the slices have light golden-brown markings.
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- “Grilling for Dummies”; Marie Rama, et al.; 2009
- University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension; Grilling Fruits and Vegetables on a Double-Sided Grill; Alice Henneman, M.S., R.D.
- “Robin to the Rescue: Quick & Simple Recipes for Delicious Home Cooking”; Robin Miller; 2008
- Sprinkle hot orange slices, right off the grill, with a pinch of brown sugar, chopped mint leaves or savory herbs to accent the fruit's citrus flavor.
- Turn grilled orange slices into an unusual dessert by topping each slice with a scoop of ice cream or frozen yogurt. Drizzle melted berry preserves over each serving and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Writer Bio
Denise Schoonhoven has worked in the fields of acoustics, biomedical products, electric cable heating and marketing communications. She studied at Newbold College and Middlesex Polytechnic in the UK, and Walla Walla University. A writer since 2008, Schoonhoven is a seasoned business traveler, solo tourist, gardener and home renovator.
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tibor13/iStock/Getty Images