How do I Remove the Wax Coating From an Orange?

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In addition to teeming with vitamin C, oranges are an abundant source of calcium, potassium and vitamin D. Oranges are made even more attractive with a waxy sheen. Producers sometimes apply a coat of wax to oranges and other citrus fruit to provide a barrier against moisture loss. Once you arrive home, you can remove the wax coating in a few simple steps.

Step 1

Place the oranges in a colander, but don’t stack them on top of each other. Rinse the oranges under hot water from your faucet or pour boiling water over them from a tea kettle. Remove the wax from a large bag of oranges in batches.

Step 2

Clean the bristles of a stiff vegetable brush – such as one you use for scrubbing potatoes – with hot water and a little bit of baking soda. Rinse the bristles with hot water.

Step 3

Scrub one orange at a time with the vegetable brush. Be sure to cover the entire surface of the orange.

Step 4

Attack a thick or stubborn wax with baking soda and water. Pour ½ tablespoon of baking soda into four cups of water in a bowl and stir. Dip the vegetable brush into the solution then scrub the orange.

Step 5

Rinse the orange with cool water. Let it dry on a paper towel before peeling it or placing it in a fruit bowl.