Ammentorp Photography/iStock/Getty Images
As you age, your skin gradually loses its elasticity and begins to wrinkle and sag. Added to this are the effects of gravity, which gradually pulls the skin down. This can be very noticeable on the neck, but the application of glycerin-based cream may help improve the look of neck wrinkles.
Glycerin is a colorless, viscous liquid that can be dissolved in alcohol or water. According to the website Pioneer Thinking, glycerin was first recovered from the soap-making process in 1889. At that time, its primary use was in the manufacture of dynamite.
These days, glycerin is important in many industries. It is an ingredient in many food items because it is easy to digest and nontoxic. It is also an ingredient in drugs and cosmetics, it is used to make greaseproof papers for packaging, and it is a useful lubricant, particularly in low temperatures.
According to the Mayo Clinic website, your skin goes through a number of gradual changes as you age. The cells in the skin begin to divide more slowly, thinning the structure of the skin. Fat cells within the dermis, the skin’s middle layer, get smaller, reducing the skin’s ability to repair itself. In the deeper layer of the skin, collagen begins to break down, causing the skin to lose its suppleness and elasticity. Lines begin to form between the eyebrows and at the corners of the eyes. The skin on the neck also loosens and wrinkles. The gradual effect of gravity causes sagging skin on the neck, eyes and jowls.
According to Medical News Today, glycerin is a common ingredient in skin care products such as moisturizers and firming creams. Because glycerin can absorb water from the air, it helps bring moisture to the skin. Dry skin can contribute to skin wrinkling, so retaining moisture in the skin can help reduce the effects of aging, particularly fine lines and wrinkles.
Glycerin draws water, so you should not apply pure glycerin to your skin because it can cause blistering. If you have an allergic reaction to any glycerin-based skin product, you should stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.
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Writer Bio
Corinna Underwood began writing in 2000. She has been published in many outlets, including Fox News, “Ultimate Athlete,” “Hardcore Muscle,” “Alternative Medicine” and “Alive.” Underwood also wrote "Haunted History of Atlanta and North Georgia" and "Murder and Mystery in Atlanta." She has a Bachelor of Arts in English literature and philosophy and a Master of Arts in women’s studies from Staffordshire University.
Photo Credits
Ammentorp Photography/iStock/Getty Images