JohanLenell/iStock/Getty Images
Head lice is a common problem for people of all ages. They are tiny parasites that feed off of a small amount of blood. They can be difficult to remove and sometimes re-infestations can occur. Baking soda is one home remedy that may be effective in aiding with the removal of head lice.
Lice are tiny parasites that feed off of the blood supply on the head. Head lice develop in three stages: nits, nymphs and adults. The nits are the eggs, the nymphs are maturing adults and the adults are full fledged louse. An itchy scalp is common as the bites are irritating. You may also experience bumps on your scalp from scratching too much. If you suspect head lice, avoid head-to-head contact or sharing things, such as hats, scarves and bedding with others until you have washed everything and treated the louse.
Baking soda is effective in helping to remove lice from the head when used in combination with other natural products. An article written for Advice on Lice states that the best way to remove the lice is to dust the head with baking soda, rub in olive oil and cover the head. Sleep with this mixture in your hair. In the morning, apply hair conditioner. Use more baking soda and use a pick to comb through the hair. You may need to repeat these steps several times to achieve maximum results and eliminate the lice completely.
The main benefit to using baking soda as the treatment choice for a lice infestation is that it is natural and does not contain any harsh chemicals. You may need to repeat the application of the baking soda but overall this is a relatively quick way to assist in the removal of the lice from your hair. If you have any problems or notice a repeat infestation contact your physician for further instructions.
While baking soda is a natural way to aid in the removal of head lice it is not a cure. Use caution when you are using it and avoid getting it into your eyes as it will irritate them. If the baking soda gets into your eyes, flush them with warm water. Do not use this remedy if you have open wounds on your head because it will cause discomfort and burning. Always talk to your doctor before using any type of home remedy on your body.
To prevent re-infestation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends avoiding head-to-head contact as the majority of lice infestations are passed this way. Less frequently the louse infestation is spread though sharing clothing, such as hats and scarves, although this is also something that should be avoided. Wash all bedding and clothing in hot water to kill any remaining parasites. If you find lice on your children, contact his school or daycare to notify them of the problem and reduce the chance of spreading the louse to other children.
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Writer Bio
Jennifer Smith has been writing professionally since 2000. She has written and published several articles on various websites including FITDAY and HealthNews and worked with start-up companies to establish content for their websites. Smith has a Bachelor of Arts in liberal studies with concentrations in English and creative writing from Bowling Green State University.
Photo Credits
JohanLenell/iStock/Getty Images