Flirtatiousness does not always disappear with marriage. Flirting is common, even among married couples. People have a natural need to feel wanted and desired. There are several reasons why a married man flirts. There are a number of physical signs to look for to determine if a married man is flirting. While it may be harmless in some cases, some men may engage in flirting that crosses the border of deceptiveness.
Physical Signs

In some cases, you may want to know if your husband is flirting with someone. In other cases you may want to know if the married man talking to you is flirting. Either way, there are various physical telltale signs to look for. A flirting man gives away his flirtatiousness through his actions, not necessarily his words. A flirting man looks at you, moving his eyes in a triangular pattern. He looks at one eye, then the other, and follows the path around to your nose and mouth. His pupils dilate and he blinks more frequently. He positions himself to look taller and stronger. He may attempt to fix his appearance by smoothing his hair. His body faces the person who is the target of his flirting. In a group setting, the person he continually faces indicates his interest.
Harmless Flirting

There is such a thing as harmless flirting. This flirting can be taken with a grain of salt. If a married man is playful or harmlessly flirtatious, it should not be blown out of proportion. Flirting does not always equate to cheating. Some men are naturally flirtatious. Their flirtatiousness does not stop after they are married; however, in this case of harmless flirting, all involved parties are typically aware. The spouse is aware that her husband is a flirt and does not see it as a threat. Harmless flirting may consist of a compliment, a witty conversation or a dirty joke; however, there are boundaries and physical lines that are clearly established.
Deceptive Flirting

Deceptive flirting occurs when a married man engages in flirting at the ignorance of his spouse. The spouse is unaware that her husband is flirtatious or engaging in flirting. Deceitful flirting crosses physical boundaries. Touches linger, compliments are of a sexual nature and sexual undertones are present throughout the interaction. A married man’s motives should be examined if he puts himself in situations and goes out of his way to flirt. In some cases, flirting can be deceptive, even if it doesn’t cross physical boundaries. Chat rooms and social networks form the perfect opportunities for men to flirt without their spouse knowing. Even though these encounters may not be physical, a spouse may find this unacceptable. Virtual infidelity can be just as serious as physical infidelity.
Why Married Men Flirt

Some married men flirt as a pastime. It is a way to remind them that they are capable of attracting another person. Being reminded that you are attractive and desirable boosts confidence and self-esteem. In other cases, a married man flirting may be prompted by boredom and the need for variety. If his partner no longer flirts with him or has a decreased sex drive due to child rearing or other preoccupations, a married man may flirt because he wants to feel attractive.
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