Ezra Shaw/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Research suggests children are more receptive than adults to new ideas and stories, including the Gospel. Many churches focus on children's ministry to introduce the Bible's teachings at an early age, implementing games and activities as tools to demonstrate lessons.
Bible Books Hopscotch
This game combines hopscotch with memorization of Bible books and requires a blacktop area outside. The instructor draws two large squares on the blacktop using sidewalk chalk, labeling one "Old Testament" and one "New Testament." The children start standing in between the squares while the instructor begins to call out names of books of the Bible. If the book called out is from the Old Testament, the children must hop into the Old Testament square, and vice versa. There are no winners or losers in the game, but it is a constructive way to direct children's energy.
Trusting God Game
Each child should choose a partner to begin this game. The first partner is blindfolded while the second partner holds his or her hand and leads the child around an open outdoor space. The partner with full vision must help the other child avoid obstacles including uneven terrain, playground equipment and other children. After the partners complete the course, the instructor may prompt the blindfolded child to think about the following questions:
How did it feel to place complete trust in another person? How does that relate to the blind faith Christians place in God?
Bible Verse Hunt
The verse hunt game creatively challenges children to memorize specific Bible verses. To start, the instructor writes each word of a verse on separate pieces of paper and hides the papers within a designated outside area. The children spread out and work together to find the words, bring them back to the starting point and arrange them to recreate the verse using memory and teamwork. After the verse is arranged correctly, the instructor may prompt the children to recite it. As the children become more skilled, the instructor may repeat the game with longer and more complex verses.
Jesus/Devil Tag
For large groups of children with high energy levels, this game combines traditional tag with the lesson of repentance. The instructor chooses one child to represent the devil and one child to represent Jesus. The child representing the devil chases the group and tries to tag as many members as possible. Children tagged by the devil may throw their hands in the air or kneel on the ground to symbolize repenting their sins, after which the child representing Jesus may tag them to bring them back to the game. This tag variation may last as long as desired until the children get tired.
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Writer Bio
Samantha Laros is a reporter for the "Daily Globe" newspaper in Shelby, Ohio, where she covers education, breaking news and features. Laros earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from Kent State University.
Photo Credits
Ezra Shaw/Digital Vision/Getty Images