How to Get Kinks Out of Gold Chains

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A shimmering gold chain makes the perfect wardrobe accent; however, these delicate chains can kink. When kinks occur, the necklace will not lay flat and may catch on your skin or clothing. Certain types of gold chains like herringbone or rope, tend to twist quickly if you wear the jewelry with a pendant. If the kink is small, you may be able to restore your necklace to its original shape. For multiple kinks or a repeat kinking issue, you need to take the necklace to a jeweler for professional care.

Step 1

Lay a thin microfiber cloth on a flat surface such as a table or countertop.

Step 2

Unhook the necklace and stretch it out to its full length. Examine the chain carefully to determine where the kink is located. If necessary, use a magnifying glass to see the area.

Step 3

Dab your middle and index fingers with baby oil. Rub the kinked area with the oil using your fingers. Lubricating the chain will make the chain more flexible, easy to straighten.

Step 4

Work the crease out of the necklace using your fingers. If the kink is stubborn, place a lint-free cloth over the necklace. Tap the kink lightly with a jeweler's hammer or small rubber mallet.

Step 5

Remove the necklace from the cloth, placing it on the table or counter. Roll the necklace on the tabletop, applying even pressure to the chain as you go. You need to use the same action you would use rolling out dough with a rolling pin.

Step 6

Store the straightened necklace in a jewelry box or hang it from a jewelry tree.