As many juicing enthusiasts may tell you, different vegetables bring different properties to the table. The mild-flavored, carrot-shaped Daikon radish is no exception. This long, white radish is widely believed to aid digestion and have detoxifying properties. Whether you’re looking add daikon radishes to an existing juicing routine or are trying your hand at juicing for the first time, knowing how to prepare daikons for juicing is the biggest step. After that, you're free to experiment with different flavors to create your own juice concoctions.
Step 1
Select daikon radishes that have smooth skin, without any blemishes or cracks, and are firm to the touch. If the greens are attached, make sure you only select daikons with green, crisp greens that aren't wilted.
Step 2
Prepare the daikons for juicing by cutting the tops off and rinsing the greens under cold water. Use a vegetable brush to scrub the daikons under running water.
Step 3
Cut the radishes into smaller pieces if necessary, depending on the size of your juicer. Insert the daikon root into your juicer, following manufacturer instructions.
Step 4
Experiment with flavors. Daikons can be paired with a variety of fruits and veggies, including beets, carrots, parsnips, celery, potatoes, apples and cucumbers, among others.
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- Prescription for Dietary Wellness; Phyllis A. Balch
- Healing Foods; D.K. Publishing
- The Everything Giant Book of Juicing; Teresa Kennedy
- Juice dense vegetables, such as daikon radishes, before juicing softer fruits and veggies, such as peaches or cucumbers, if you are using a centrifugal juicer. Centrifugal juicers are among the most popular types of juicers since they are moderately priced and easy to use. Other types of juicers include masticating juicers, which are slower and more expensive but have a reputation for delivering higher quality juice, and triturating juicers, which have twin gears that slowly break fruits and veggies down.
- Peel daikon radishes if the flavor is too pungent for your palate. Although these radishes have a lighter, more refreshing flavor than spicier red globe radishes, if you're new to juicing or not a big veggie fan, peeling the radish reduces its flavor-creating oils, giving your juice a milder flavor.
- Mix equal amounts of honey and plain radish juice to make your own cold remedy, which can be taken at a dose of roughly one tablespoon, three times daily. According to the book, "Healing Foods," radishes' high vitamin C content can help ease cold and flu symptoms while clearing congestion and soothing coughs.
Writer Bio
Caryn Anderson combines extensive behind-the-scenes writing experience with her passion for all things food, fashion, garden and travel. Bitten by the travel bug at the age of 15 after a trip to Europe, Anderson fostered her love of style and fashion while living in New York City and earning her degree at New York University.
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