It is a deep loss when a parent has to bury a child and many parents who suffer the loss of a child do not have the finances to pay for burial expenses. These families are in need of assistance to help ease their burden. There are foundations and organizations that will assist families to help eliminate the financial trauma often associated with the death of a child.
Elena Tresh Foundation
This foundation has a large number of applicants and most must be put on a waiting list due to limited funding. If the foundation is unable to assist an applicant due to a lack of funds, it may locate other funding agencies that can assist the bereaved family. Individuals can apply for funds up to $500 every six months. The foundation will also assist with expenses, such as a cell phone bill that occurred as a result of the child becoming ill. Visit the foundation’s website and download the application. The applications are processed in the order in which they are received.
All For One-One For All Foundation
This foundation was established to help ease the grief that parents feel when a child dies. It assists families who are burdened financially and can’t afford the burial expenses. The foundation provides assistance for funeral and burial expenses. The foundation hosts several fundraisers throughout the year to raise money in order to assist families. In addition, the foundation also accepts donations to help provide assistance.
The Connor Kirby Infant Memorial Foundation
This foundation assists individuals who reside in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Applicants must provide documents showing proof of residence, such as a utility bill and a mortgage statement. The foundation will assist with funeral costs and therapy sessions for the family. After the application is submitted, the agency will contact the applicant within seven to 10 days.
The Unforgettables Foundation
This foundation provides assistance to families who reside in California's Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange counties. Families may request funds directly or through hospitals or social service agencies. Contact the agency directly and provide income verification information such as pay stubs or income tax returns.
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Writer Bio
Nichelle Coleman began writing professionally in 2005 and has contributed to professional sites, including eHow.com and LIVESTRONG. With a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and a master's in technical communication, she helps software companies create training documentation. She specializes in technical, educational and business topics.
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