Cathy Yeulet/Hemera/Getty Images
Your son popped the question and his significant other said, “Yes.” Now it is the time for the families to meet. According to etiquette expert Emily Post, it traditionally was the groom’s parents’ responsibility to reach out to the bride’s family for introductions. Go ahead and make the first move to send a letter to her folks expressing your feelings about the engagement.
Check in with your son and his new fiancee about her family dynamics. If her parents are divorced, first write to the family who predominately raised her. Write a second letter to the other parent or parent and spouse afterward.
Begin your letter by introducing yourselves as their daughter’s future in-laws.
Express your excitement over the engagement. Articulate how happy their daughter has made your son by agreeing to marry him. Tell them how much you have enjoyed getting to know their daughter if that is the case.
Invite the parents to meet as soon as possible. Communicate your desire to get to know them and their family. Suggest a time and place everyone, including the newly engaged couple, can meet in the near future.
Close the letter by again expressing your happiness and letting them know you are glad the two children have found each other.
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Writer Bio
Caroline Baldwin, a corporate communications director located in South Carolina, began writing in 1998. Her work has been published in publications across the United States and Canada including Rolling Stone, Boating Life, Waterski and Wakeboarding magazines. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication studies from The College of Charleston.
Photo Credits
Cathy Yeulet/Hemera/Getty Images