Manufacturers make cheese powder by disintegrating any type of cheese and then melting it together with phosphates, citrates and water, after which the cheese is dehydrated and dried. Most hard cheese can be powdered, but you are more likely to find cheeses, such as cheddar or Parmesan, in grocery stores and markets in a powdered form. Armed with a good recipe and the correct measurement tools, powdered cheese can be used in baked goods, dips, dressings and to add flavor to a variety of dishes.
Choose a recipe of your liking that calls for powdered cheese. Take note of the specific type of cheese. You don’t want to substitute a powdered Swiss cheese in a recipe that calls for powdered sharp cheddar cheese.
Measure the powdered cheese according to the recipe using a dry measurer or scale. Do not use a liquid measurer as the measurement could be off slightly.
Combine the powdered cheese with any liquids called for by the recipe. This will rehydrate the cheese. Mix the liquid thoroughly so the powdered cheese doesn’t form lumps. This is especially important when the cheese is the star of the dish, such as in a macaroni and cheese dish or a dip. If you don't mix thoroughly, someone might bite into a clump of cheese powder, which is unappetizing.
Close the powdered cheese bag or container tightly and store it in a dry area out of sunlight. Wherever you store your spices should be well-suited for storing cheese powder, provided it doesn’t get direct sunlight or get wet in any way.
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Writer Bio
Jessica Jewell is a writer, photographer and communications consultant who began writing professionally in 2005. Her chapbook, "Slap Leather," is forthcoming from dancing girl press. Her recent work has appeared in "Nimrod," "Harpur Palate," "Copper Nickel," "Rhino," "wicked alice," "Poetry Midwest" and "Barn Owl Review." Jewell was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She earned her Master of Fine Arts from Kent State University.
Photo Credits
Alexandra Grablewski/Lifesize/Getty Images