Athletic shoes should house your feet in comfort and support as you trek through your day. If you end up with ill-fitting shoes, your feet can suffer a variety of aches and pains as a result. Whether you have feet of differing sizes or both shoes don’t fit properly, fix the sizing problem. To prevent foot problems, make your sneakers fit better if they’re too big.
Purchase sole inserts in a size range that fits the shoes. These inserts fit inside the shoe along the bottom and may include arch support as well as cushioning to your feet. The inserts will also take up excess space in shoes that are too big for your feet.
Trim the outside edges of the sole inserts, if necessary, to make them fit your shoes. Use the scissors to trim carefully, taking off no more than one-eighth inch at a time, where the inserts do not fit inside the shoes. Trim until the inserts fit the insides of your shoes. Try the shoes on with the inserts to see if the shoes fit better. If you still feel slippage as you walk, even with the inserts, proceed to the next step.
Remove the adhesive backing from the heel strips and place them along the inside back edges of the heels of the sneakers. Often these strips take up just enough space and provide additional friction that can stop your heels from slipping while you wear the shoes. Try the shoes on again with the modifications to see if they fit better.
Lace the shoes in an alternative lock-lace method to keep the shoes snug on your feet, minimizing your heels from slipping. Lace the sneakers in standard fashion through the second holes from the top. Insert the right lace back down through the top hole on the same side. Insert the left lace back down through the top hole on the same side. Cross the right lace across to the left side and pass it under the vertical lace between the top two holes. Repeat the same process with the left lace. Pull the laces tight and tie them in standard fashion.
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Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
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Jeffrey Hamilton/Photodisc/Getty Images