How to Treat Damaged Skin From Waxing

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Waxing is a common method of hair removal for those who want something more permanent than shaving. The down side of waxing is that it normally causes a certain amount of redness or inflammation, particularly on sensitive skin. Waxing not only pulls the hair out of the follicle; it pulls at the skin too, which leads to the redness. This superficial damage should subside in a few hours. Help soothe your skin by trying some natural methods.

Apply an after-wax cooling product directly to red, inflamed skin immediately after waxing. Many commercial products contain Aloe Vera, which is renowned for its calming, healing properties. Apply a clear Aloe Vera gel, which contains more nutritional compounds than a green or blue gel. Make sure the gel does not contain any added dyes or fragrances, which could irritate your sensitive skin.

Brew tea bags and leave them to cool before placing them over your eyes, to relieve discomfort after waxing your brows.

Hold an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables against the irritated skin to relieve pain and help reduce inflammation. The ice will help close the pores that have been forced open during the waxing process. This reduces the risk of infection.

Sprinkle a generous amount of Epsom salts into tepid bath water and soak for several minutes. The Epsom salts will reduce inflammation; they are thought to reduce pain and speed up the healing process.

Grate a potato and apply the juices to your irritated skin. Wash your skin with cold water.

Add seven cups of oatmeal into a large bowl and grind them with a hand blender. Fill the bathtub with lukewarm water. Add the oatmeal and soak in the water for approximately 10 minutes. Pat your skin dry gently with a soft towel after getting out of the tub.